Do Dog Vaccines Cause Frequent Urination?

Dr. Joe Alcorn, M.S., D.V.M.

Dr. Joe Alcorn is founder of Care Animal Hospital in Temecula, California. He has a Bachelor of Science in Biology and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from Colorado State University. He is a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association and his advice has been featured in large publications like Bustle and Martha Stewart.

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It is our responsibility to maintain the health of our furry friends by giving them vaccinations. If you are worried about possible side effects, you may have wondered if vaccinations for dogs increase their urination.

Do Dog Vaccines Cause Frequent Urination?

No, there is no evidence linking vaccines directly to frequent urination in dogs. However, recurring urination can happen after a vaccine shot due to other factors. For instance, they might drink more water than usual and urinate more.

A veterinarian vaccinating an adult tan pit bull terrier

After all, some dogs get stressed when visiting the vet, which causes them to drink more water. Additionally, some vaccine side effects include fever, which could also cause a dog to drink more water. Therefore, in most cases, the increased urination is linked to the side effects rather than the vaccine itself.

It is important to remember that these side effects should only last a couple of days. If they last more than 48 hours, you should bring them to me immediately. This is because some dogs can develop allergic reactions that could harm them.

Vaccine Side Effects and Urination

When it comes to vaccines, they are safe and help your dog avoid diseases. However, they can cause mild side effects. Vaccines stimulate your dog’s immune system by introducing a small dose of the disease. This way, their system will recognize it, eliminate it, and create antibodies.

Therefore, if the disease tries to enter their body in the future, their immune system will be prepared for it. This process can cause temporary fever, lethargy, and swelling at the injection site. Sometimes, it can cause vomiting and difficulty breathing. However, these are rare cases.

Most of these side effects can make them prone to drinking more water than usual, which leads to more urination. On the contrary, if you notice your dog is drinking and eating less than usual, bring them to the vet as soon as possible.

Other Causes of Frequent Urination

Now that you’ve learned about puppy vaccines and recurring urination, you must know about other causes. After all, there are indirect causes that are not linked to vaccines or their side effects. 

For instance, when dogs get stressed or nervous, they might drink more water. If they get very stressed when visiting the vet or when getting a vaccine, they might urinate more because of this.

On top of that, some dogs tend to relieve themselves under stressful situations. They do this by simply urinating on the spot. So, if you want to avoid this, you should train them and comfort them as much as possible.

Yorkshire terrier with brown and black fur having a medical check-up in the clinic

Urinary Tract Infection

Another indirect cause of increased urination is a urinary tract infection. This has nothing to do with vaccines or their side effects. If you recently vaccinated your dog and they started urinating more often, it could be a coincidence. They might have developed a urinary tract infection, which causes them to urinate more often.

This can happen at any time in their lives, therefore, if you notice discomfort while urinating, you should consult me about it. This way, I can perform a urinalysis on them and give them the appropriate medication.

How to Manage Frequent Urination in Dogs

If I have cleared your dog of any disease, yet they are still urinating more than usual, you should change some of their habits. 

  • Take them for a walk more often. Try to take them potty right after waking up and after dinner.
  • Monitor how much water they are drinking. If you feel they are drinking excessively, consult me before doing anything else.
  • Check for unknown sources of water. Sometimes, dogs drink more water from unusual places, making sure these places are not accessible to them. 
  • Exercise your dog. Exercise brings a lot of benefits, including improvements in their bladder.

What Is the Role of Vaccines?

Vaccines are essential for protecting dogs from various potentially fatal diseases, including rabies, distemper, and parvovirus. Is it important to vaccinate your dog against these diseases, after all, they can be life-threatening.

In fact, in the US, it is mandatory for your dog to have a vaccine against rabies. Rabies is an incurable disease that is also a threat to humans. If a dog or a human is diagnosed with rabies, there’s a 99 percent chance of death. This is why it is so important to avoid it.

A veterinarian doing a check-up on a brown pomeranian puppy

Monitor Your Dog’s Behavior and Health

After learning about dog vaccines and frequent urination, you need to monitor your dog’s health after vaccine shots. Watch their behavior and see if there are any changes. 

If you notice any issue that lasts more than 48 hours, consult me, your dog might need immediate attention. After all, there could be an underlying health issue unrelated to the vaccine. 

Related Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about vaccines and urination

What Are Signs of Adverse Reaction to Vaccines in Dogs?

The most common signs of a severe reaction to a vaccine in a dog are vomiting, swelling, diarrhea, walking problems, and severe lethargy. Also, some dogs might experience fever, hives, and itchiness. 

What Breeds Are Prone to Vaccine Reactions?

Although most dogs react to vaccines in a similar way, Pugs, Chihuahuas, Dachshunds, and Boston Terriers are prone to having mild reactions. This is because they have a genetic predisposition to it. However, these reactions cease after a couple of days, so there is nothing to worry about. 

How Many Times Do Dogs Pee in a Day?

Although this can depend on the dog’s behavior and surroundings, the average dog urinates from three to five times a day. If your dog urinates less than three times daily, you should bring them to the vet. On the same page, if they do it more than five times daily, you should monitor their water intake.


While there is no link between a dog vaccine and increased urination, there are other factors that can cause it, from stress, anxiousness, and side effects, to urinary tract infections. Therefore, if you notice your dog is acting strange, the best option is to bring them to the vet.